Craig Franklin


My name is Craig Franklin and I am a director and co-founder of Bolsta Fundraising.

Prior, I enjoyed a long career with IMB Bank as a Senior Branch Manger. What started as a casual job to get me through uni, ended up being a fulfilling and rewarding career spanning 26 years. An amazing company that helped me discover my talent in sales and my ability to lead successful teams. I believe strongly in nurturing a culture where staff are developed, valued and recognised, so everyone benefits.

Although I am extremely proud of my accomplishments, it’s helping people that’s my true driver. IMB provided many opportunities to implement School Banking and Student Award Programs, provide sponsorships to clubs and arrange funding for local community projects. These were the most fulfilling aspects of my job.

I’m a lover of all sports, especially Rugby Union which I have played over 300 games for my local club and been recognised with Life Membership honours. It’s my work on the committee since 1997 that has had the greatest influence on where I am today. I’ve had many different rolls and I still get a kick out of running the meat raffles at the local. I’ve learnt first hand how valuable community organisations are in shaping people and influencing their path in life.

Now my passion lies with Bolsta. All I’ve experienced and leant is directed at resolving the challenges most volunteer led organisations experience. I’ve teamed up with two amazing talents to change the fundraising landscape by passing on knowledge and experience and also developing ground breaking digital platforms to make fundraising more accessible to everyone.


Posts by Craig Franklin


How To Run A Silent Auction

All you need to know about Silent Auctions.

General committee members

General Committee Member – Role Description

General Committee Members must be given Role Descriptions. Their positions hold as much responsibility and accountability as any other role on the committee.


No Raffle Ticket Targets – Don’t bother!

Targets are vital to all sales processes, even raffles. Volunteer ticket sellers will excel when SMART targets are set for them.

Fundraising games instruction pack

Complete Package Of Fundraising Games

Incorporate these fun games at your next event to raise extra funds. Download our full package for inspiration and detailed instruction.

How to ask for donated prizes

Asking for Donations ‘Sample Letter Template’

Businesses get many requests for donations. Stand out from the rest by using our professional letter template and increase your chances of success.


Bolsta helps volunteer led organisations to be more effective fundraisers. We share knowledge and experience, and aim to develop systems that are digitised, innovative and more profitable.

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