What is Bolsta BIG UP?
We believe Schools, Clubs & Charities and the volunteers behind them, play a vital role in making our communities better. We want to help them make an even BIGGER difference.
Register your not-for-profit organisation, for a chance to win $500 in our monthly BIG UP Member Draw.
It’s FREE! With no strings attached!
Member Gallery
Register here to become a BIG UP Member
Previous Winners
$2000 BIG UP Draw Winners
Sams Spares
“Thank you Bolsta!
Winning the $2000 prize will help Sam’s Spares with our expansion to our new location!
It could not have come at a better time and can’t thank the team at Blosta enough for creating this opportunity.
Now we have won we are nominating other local organisations to share the love and support other community projects“
$500 Member Draw Winners
Duranbah Public School
To be provided
$2000 BIG UP Draw Winners
Cekor Macedonian Dance Company
$500 Member Draw Winners
Maccabi Victoria Athletics Club
$2000 BIG UP Draw Winners
51 Trees
“My name is Moya Stewart and myself and other local residents became passionate about saving a stand of old growth gum trees in our township.
These trees are on a large parcel of land purchased for a housing development close to our town and enjoyed by local residents and wildlife.
In the development’s initial plans the trees were to remain and most of the houses built on treeless paddocks elsewhere on the land.
When residents found out that the developer had been granted an amendment by council allowing him to build approx. 400 residences on this treed part of the land and remove 51 mature gum trees to do so they were stunned. People submitted many objections to council and the developer. When these objections were heard and rejected the residents banded together and decided to appeal to VCAT. A specialist environmental lawyer was employed and an urban planner to draw up alternative plans that would incorporate most of the new dwellings and save most of the trees. We prepared and waited for the VCAT hearing. Unbeknown to us the Minister for Planning withdrew the case to have his team asses fast tracking the development to assist a ‘building led covid recovery’. Thus more preparation and the lawyers and resident’s representatives having to attend hearings with the Minister for Planning and his team. A costly exercise! We were thrilled when the Minister unexpectedly declined the developer’s proposal.
So that’s were we stand at the moment. We won and the trees remain! But It’s been a long and expensive fight for us and we have been left with significant debts which we are still fundraising to pay and will be for a long time yet.
So we thank you for the win from Bolsta. It does help and it also boosts our morale and motivation to keep going”.
$500 Member Draw Winners
NSW Pickleball Association
$2000 BIG UP Draw Winners
Malvern Springs Primary School P&C
$2000 BIG UP Draw Winners
Fostering Hope Australia
$500 Member Draw Winners
Caring Cases QLD
$2000 BIG UP Draw Winners
Melita Eagles Sports Club
$2000 BIG UP Draw Winners
Aussie Battlers – Pay It Forward

$500 Member Draw Winners
Bomaderry Community Inc
$2000 BIG UP Draw Winners
Engineers Without Boarders Australia
$500 Member Draw Winners
The Warrior Women Foundation
$2000 BIG UP Draw Winners
Pod Projects
$500 Member Draw Winners
Lake Illawarra Athletics Centre
$2000 BIG UP Draw Winners
Oakville Public School
$500 Member Draw Winners
Bats Qld
$2000 BIG UP Draw Winners
Share The Love Project
$500 Member Draw Winners
Bellbird Public School P&C
$2000 BIG UP Draw Winners
Cekor Macedonian Dance Company
$500 Member Draw Winners
Canberra Fury Baseball Club
$2000 BIG UP Draw Winners
Rose Bay Magic Netball Club
$500 Member Draw Winners
Ben Venue Public School P&C
$2000 BIG UP Draw Winners
Siena Netball Club
$500 Member Draw Winners
Banksia Road Primary School
$2000 BIG UP Draw Winners
Type 1 Foundation – HNER
$500 Member Draw Winners
Pod Projects

$2000 BIG UP Draw Winners
Riverstone Little Athletics
$500 Member Draw Winners
Cranbourne South Primary School
$2000 BIG UP Draw Winners
Broken Crayons Still Colour Foundation
$500 Member Draw Winners
Because We Care Boutique
$2000 BIG UP Draw Winners
Western Aquatic Swimming Club
$500 Member Draw Winners
Mogo Public School
$2000 BIG UP Draw Winners
First Light Widowed Association
$500 Member Draw Winners
Harbord Public School P&C
$2000 BIG UP Draw Winners
2nd Castle Hill Scout Group
$500 Member Draw Winners
Somerton Public School P&C
$2000 BIG UP Draw Winners
Crowajingalong Scout Group
$500 Member Draw Winners
Heart Kids Australia
$2000 BIG UP Draw Winners
Stay In The FIGHT Inc
$500 Member Draw Winners
Meadowbank Public School P&C
$2000 BIG UP Draw Winners
Tenterfield Lions Club
$500 Member Draw Winners
Baseball Canberra
“Baseball Canberra is a not-for-profit association whose mission is to create an active baseball community in the ACT. The Bolsta BIG UP money will go towards the purchase of equipment for our various baseball development programs that are designed to develop the skills of young baseball players. Baseball Canberra delivers a range of programs that cater to those who are new to the sport of baseball right through to those who aspire to play representative baseball in Australia and overseas. This generous gift from Bolsta will help support grassroots baseball in Canberra and its surrounds. Thank you!”
$2000 BIG UP Draw Winners
Central Coast Animal Care Facility
$500 Member Draw Winners
Penrith RSL Junior Rugby Union Club
“Wow thank you so much for this opportunity. Our committee and members are greatly appreciative of the news that we had won”
$2000 BIG UP Draw Winners
Crowajingalong Scout Group
$500 Member Draw Winners
Human and Hope Association
$2000 BIG UP Draw Winners
Storm Softball Club
$500 Member Draw Winners
Agape Outreach Inc
“Thanks so much for your donation on behalf of our team at Agape Outreach! This will allow us to feed many families struggling during this pandemic. Our clientele has almost doubled during this time unfortunately! We are always looking for volunteers so please visit our website: www.agapeoutreachinc.com“
$1000 BIG UP Draw Winners
Guru Nanak’s Free Kitchenette Sydney
“The donation that you have made to our charity is precious, but the kindness in your heart is priceless. Thank you for being so kind and generous and believing in us. Because of your kindness we are one step closer to buying a bigger new van. This will take all the food and necessary items to the homeless and needy people in one go instead of taking 2/3 cars. We will be able to serve more needy people and our street friends who are not as fortunate as we all are. THANK YOU FROM THE BOTTOM OF OUR HEART to BOLSTA FUNDRAISING!”
$500 Member Draw Winners
Wildlife In Need Of Care
No testimonial available
$1000 BIG UP Draw Winners
ACT Eagles Women’s Baseball Club
$500 Member Draw Winners
Get Home Safe Foundation
$1000 BIG UP Draw Winners
Guru Nanak’s Free Kitchenette Sydney
$500 Member Draw Winners
Wollongong Saints Women’s AFL Club
$1000 BIG UP Draw Winners
Riverstone Little Atheltics
$500 Member Draw Winners
Wyndham Park Community Centre
$500 BONUS Draw Winners
WA Team Penning Association
$500 Member Draw Winners
Minute By Minute Disaster Relief

$1000 BIG UP Draw Winners
Malvern Springs Primary School P&C
“Thank you so much for donating these funds to our P&C. Our current P&C at Malvern Springs Primary consists of a bunch of fun spirited mums trying to give students, and teachers, a reward for their hard work. Whether it be a disco, afternoon tea or colour run – we are there volunteering, fundraising and donating!
These funds from Bolsta will help our contribution to the Reading Eggs program so all 840 students have access”
$1000 BIG UP Draw Winners
Brookvale Public School P&C
$500 Member Draw Winners
Blackburn Lake Netball Club
$1000 BIG UP Draw Winners
Banksia Road Primary School
Thank you so much for the prize of $1000. Banksia Road Primary School were affected by a tragedy almost three years ago. This tragedy required the rebuilding of classrooms at the expense of our beloved adventure playground, meaning that 556 students have nothing to play with during their lunch breaks. We entered this competition because social cohesion and a positive learning environment is what is needed at this school. Students affected by the pandemic also need a happy place to learn in and the money will be used for new play equipment.
$1000 BIG UP Draw Winners
A Better Life For foster Kids
Based in Gippsland, Victoria, A Better Life for Foster Kids (ABLFFK) was founded in 2014 by Heather Baird, who herself grew up in foster care. ABLFFK works to improve short and long-term physical, educational and psycho-social outcomes for children in foster care and kinship care. Our aim is to preserve children’s dignity, improve their feelings of self-worth and lessen social stigma. We provide material assistance to children in care, as well as advocacy and support for carers to help them navigate the out of home care system.
ABLFFK is unique in providing Crisis Cases, which contain all the clothing and essential items required for the first week of care, where and when they are needed by carers, without administrative red tape. Around 85% of children arrive in their placement with only the clothes they are wearing, having been removed in emergency circumstances. As well as providing essential items needed in a child’s first week in care, Crisis Cases contain handmade blankets and toys sent from people all over Australia that show children their community cares for them. Books provided for 5-12 year olds allow them to tell their story, helping them to process trauma and move forward. Crisis Cases also create significant mental and financial relief for carers.
Each Crisis Case contains around $295 worth of items, with over 75% of these donated by community members and businesses.
Each Crisis Case costs approximately $50, so funding from Bolsta will allow us to provide dignity and comfort to 20 children entering out of home care!